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Claud Baird, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Baird, was born in Cedar County, Mo., July 10, 1897, where he lived and was raised to manhood and died January 6th, 1935, being 37 years, 5 months and 25 days old at death. He was married to Nellie Kitsmiller on October 2, 1918. To this union were born 2 daughters and 1 son: Wanda May, Mary Reid and Jack David, all of whom are still at home. Besides his wife and children, he leaves to mourn their loss, his mother, Mrs. D. R. Baird of Greenfield; Mrs. Maude Hemingway of Ft. Scott; two half brothers, Charley and Dave Baird of Jerico Springs; three half sisters, Mrs. Charlotte Bryson, Mrs. Sadie Jones and Mrs. Mary Frieze, all of Stockton; also a host of friends and relatives. He was a very kind and affectionate husband and father; a jolly neighbor always doing any thing he could for others. He was baptized in infancy and during the latter part of his sickness he called for the prayers of Christian friends. He will be greatly missed by his family and friends but God will care for the sorrowing ones. (Poem omitted.) Funeral services were held at the Omer church at 2:30 Monday afternoon with a very large number of friends and neighbors present who came to express their love and extend their sympathy to the sorrowing family. The music directed by Mrs. Lewis Jones was suitable and fine. the floral offerings were lovely. Rev. B. O. Brooks, a long time friend of the family, brought words of hope and promise from God's stone house and sought to comfort the stricken hearts. Interment was in the Omer cemetery in the family lot near his father who had gone on before.

Cedar County Republican and Stockton Journal, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 17 January 1935 page 2


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