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W.W. Redford and S. W. Billingsley


      W.W. Redford and S. W. Billingsley, owners and proprietors of Park livery, and Schell City and El Dorado stage lines, have one of the most complete and best equipped livery barns in Southwest Missouri, and are one of the oldest firms in El Dorado Springs. This business was established in 1884; fine rigs are found throughout, as well as everything essential for a first-class barn. Mr. Billingsley was born in Marion County, Va., in 1845, and is the son of Sias and Anna (Morgan) Billingsley, natives of Maryland, but early settlers of Virginia, where Mr. Billingsley died in April 1887. Mrs. Billingsley died in May, 1889. Mr. Billingsley was of Welsh descent, and was a farmer and stock-raiser by occupation. S. W. Billingsley was the fourth of six sons and three daughters. He received an ordinary education in the common schools, and graduated from Fairmont, Va., Normal, in 1862 and also graduated from Iron City Commercial College, Pittsburg, Penn. In 1863 he taught school in Virginia, and in 1870 came to Henry County, Mo., where he taught school for several years. He then engaged in the grain business at Clinton for several years, after which he followed farming until his removal to El Dorado in 1884, and then embarked in the livery business. In March, 1875, he married Miss Celest Fields, daughter of Nathan A. and Mary E. Fields, both natives of Virginia, but, early settlers of Missouri. They were married in Henry County of that State, April 25, 1839, and have lived on their present farm ever since. This is one of the wealthy and respected families. Mr. Fields was sheriff a number of years, and was also assessor of Henry County for a number of years. To Mr. Billingsley and wife were born three children, two sons and a daughter. In his political views, Mr. Billingsley is a Democrat, casting his first vote for Seymour; he is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Royal Arch Chapter at El Dorado Springs, having joined in Virginia, in 1873, and is a prominent citizen. Mrs. Billingsley is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 720-721


W. W. Redford Dies at St. Joseph

     W. W. Redford, who will be remembered by a number of our older citizens as one of the pioneer citizens and business men of El Dorado Springs, died at St. Joseph Sunday, June 14, following a long illness.

     From 1885 to 1902 Mr. Redford operated the Park livery stable, which was located almost directly across the street from the Park Hotel. There were about six livery stables in the city at that time.

     He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. J. O. Broughton, of Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Clarence Hines of Kansas City, and by one son, Mack Redford, of Kansas City. Another son, Hugh, died a number of years ago. Mr. Radford's first wife died in this city in 1891. Funeral services and burial were at St. Joseph.

The El Dorado Springs Sun, El Dorado Springs, Missouri; Thursday 2 July 1931 page 1.


S. W. Billingsley Dead.

     The news was received here the first of the week of the death of Samuel W. Billingsley, which occurred recently at his home at Oakland, Calif., where he has lived for a number of years past. The Sun has not learned the date or any of the particulars incident to his death.

     His son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walton Everman of Bartlesville, Okla., and his niece, Miss Ceatta Buckley, were at his bedside when the end came. Funeral services and interment took place in that city. Mr. Billingsley was one of the early pioneers of this city and at one time was one of our leading citizens. He still has & number of acquaintances here who will be interested to learn of his passing.

The El Dorado Springs Sun, El Dorado Springs, Missouri; Thursday 15 January 1925 page 1.


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