James McBride Blake, a farmer and school-teacher, two and a half miles north of Stockton, Mo. Is a native of Dade County, Mo., where he was born in March, 1841, a sketch of his father, Dr. William G. Blake, being given in the biography of Dr. Thomas J. Blake. James M. was reared and educated in Stockton and Kentuckytown, Texas, and about the time he attained his majority the late war broke out, and he immediately espoused the Southern cause, and in June, 1861, enlisted in Company A., under Col. Walker, and was in the battles of Wilson’s Creek, Prairie Grove, and in numerous skirmishes. During his four years’ service he was neither wounded nor captured. When peace was declared, he found himself with a limited education, and, knowing that a good education was essential if he wished to succeed in any calling, he resumed his studies, and in 1867 entered the teacher’s profession, and taught nine consecutive years in Vernon County, five years being spent in the public schools of Nevada. He then taught in the public schools of Stockton for four terms, and won the reputation of being an able instructor and skillful disciplinarian, and commanded the respect of both pupils and patrons. For two yeas he held the position of Superintendent of Public instruction of Vernon County, and proved an able and faithful officer. January 27, 1879, he married Miss Fannie C. Hacker, who was born in Tennessee, in 1853, and by her has two children: Thomas Lee and Fanny Susie. Soon after his marriage, Mr. Blake located on his present farm, of 170 acres. He is a Democrat, a member of the Masonic Order, and he and wife are members of the Christian Church.
From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 721-722
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