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Mrs. J. F. Boston Dead.

     America M. Killensworth was born in Green county, Mo., Sept. 20, 1850, was married to J. F. Boston, Aug. 6th, 1865. To this union was born four children, one having died in infancy, the other three are living and were present at her funeral. She died May 20, 1915, aged 64 years 8 months. She was converted in 1865 and joined the Mt. Pleasant Baptist church, was baptized by Eld. Jackson Justice; Came to Cedar county in 1865 and joined the Cedarville church, afterward transferring her membership to Jerico Springs having made a very efficient member until her death. She lived about 50 years on the place where she died. Thus the pioneers are passing. She served well her generation as a neighbor, a christian and friend to those in distress (sic). She will be missed in the church and community, but most of all in the home where she had lived happily since she was a youthful bride. The funeral was conducted by the writer, in the Baptist church at Jerico Springs. Interment in Jerico cemetery.

Jerico Springs Optic, Jerico Springs, Missouri; May 1915]


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