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Samuel S. Brand was borned in the city of Covington, Ky., September 26, 1845. Died in Jerico Springs, February 22, 1918. Age 72 years, 4 months, and 26 days. Mr. Brand was married to Mariam H. Clark at Carrolton, Mo. July 11, 1876. To this union were born three children, Katherine, Ruany Virginia and Mariam Lauretta. Ruany Virginia died at the age of two years, March 13, 1882. Mariam Lauretta died Jan. 20, 1907. Mariam, his wife, after a long siege of illness, in which she was confined to her bed, passed to the great beyond, March 17, 1913. He united with the Christian Church when a young man and adhered to that faith until death. He leaves a daughter, Miss Katie, who is teaching school at Campbell, Dunklin Co., and who was at his bed side and nursed him through his last sickness, and two sisters, Mrs. Sallie Anderson, of Kansas City, and Mrs. Lettie Longstreet, of Fairview, Okla. S. S. Brand, or "Sam Brand" as he was better known, was an old land mark, having settled here in the early days of the town and has been identified with the progress and adversities; its joys and sorrows and took a public interest in everything that came up for the good of the town. Mr. Brand was peculiar, in that he always seemed happy and cheerful, always seemed to see the silver lining in the darkest cloud. He was for several years city clerk. He was an advocate of good schools and used his influence to promote our schools. He was an old soldier and drew a pension and was the life of the "Never Sweats," a crowd of old men that could be seen, in the summer, on the benches around the spring, under the shade of the big trees spinning their yarns and enjoying reminecience (sic) of the past. We think he was the originator of the phrase "Never Sweat." Whatever may be said of Sam Brand, he will be missed by his old associates when the warm sunny days come again and the gentle south breeze fan the furrowed brow of the aged and the cool limpid water from the spring slack their thirst. He was laid to rest beside his wife and daughter in the Anna Edna Cemetery at 5 o'clock p.m. Friday evening there to await the resurrection morn.

Jerico Springs Optic, Jerico Springs, Missouri; February 1918


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