Isham S. Brasher, Associate Judge
---Judge Isham S. Brasher died at his home in South Benton township last Saturday. Judge Brasher was one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Cedar county, and his death will be deeply regretted by all who knew him. We hope to publish a suitable obituary notice later.
Stockton Journal, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 5 June 1890, page 5
Democratic Mass Meeting.
The Democrats of Cedar county met in mass convention at the court house in Stockton last Saturday, in accordance with a call previously made by the county executive committee.
< 2 paragraphs omitted >
The meeting learned with regret of the death of Judge I. S. Brasher and the following resolution was offered and adopted:
WHEREAS, An Allwise God has seen fit to remove from our midst one of our oldest and best known citizens and former public servants, Judge Isham S. Brasher, of Benton township. The late Judge Brasher was always an upright, moral, conscientious citizen and a life-long Democrat, found always battling for the right morally and politically, and it is fitting that we of this mass convention, composed of his life-long friends and co-workers, should express ourselves upon his virtues. Therefore, be it
Resolved, That the county of Cedar will lose a good citizen; the party a conscientious member and his neighborhood and family an honest neighbor and virtuous father.
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Stockton Journal, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 5 June 1890, page 5
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