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Died at his home in the south part of town at 8 o'clock, Wednesday morning, John Bray, age 83 years 3 months and 21 days. Mr. Bray was born in Tennessee and in early live moved to Missouri and settled in Cedar County near Omer where he lived with his mother until her death. He was married to Miss Flora Longacre February 1892. To this union five children were born, three girls and two boys. One boy preceded his father several years ago. Mr. Bray embraced religion several years ago and joined the Methodist Church South and lived a consistent christian until he was called hence. He was a good neighbor, a kind husband and an indulgent father. He had lived a long and industrious life. He had been on the decline for a long while and the last two years had not been down town much. He will be greatly missed. His funeral was preached by Rev. Biedenthal in the Methodist church, April 6, and buried in the Omer Cemetery.

Jerico Springs Optic, Jerico Springs, Missouri; April 1917


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