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 Thomas CARVER was born in Burk County, North Carolina, August 4th, 1811 and died October 30th, 1901, [in Cedar County] aged 90 years two months and 26 days. When but 14 years of age he left home and commenced the battle of life for himself and made his first step in Middle Tennessee, where he worked on a farm for several years. Then in company with the Powells he came to Cedar county, arriving here on July 12, 1837. The deceased had been married three times. His first wife was Miss Lillie RANKIN [who] died two years after the marriage. His second wife was Miss Mahala JOHNSON and of this union there were six children, but only three of them are living: Mrs. George HORN, S. A. CARVER, and W.T. CARVER. This wife died in 1876. His third wife was Mrs. Martha KELLER, her maiden name was HORN, and to this union there was only one child born, M. V. CARVER.

Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri.


Transcribed by Fran Black


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