Mary Kate Daniel was born 6 miles north of Lockwood, Mo., Nov. 26, 1874, the daughter of Green W. and Millie Daniel, and died at Springfield Baptist Hospital, February 10, 1939, from accidental burns suffered at her home near Greenfield a few hours previously. She was married on Dec. 13, 1911 to L. G. Cassell, and they established their home in the Fairview district northeast of Greenfield. Mr. Cassell died suddenly a few years ago. They had no children. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Fannie Ballenger of Tulsa and three stepchildren, Mrs. Cuba Farmer of Cedarville, Mrs. Lois Smith of Dadeville and Omer Cassell of Victor, Colo. Sister Cassell was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, lived an upright Christian life, and by her friendly disposition had won for herself a large circle of friends. She will be sadly missed by her church, her neighbors and friends, and especially by her relatives. Funeral services were conducted at the home on Sunday afternoon after which the body was laid to rest beside her husband in the Omer cemetery.
[Unknown newspaper]
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