Ulyssis Stephen Grant Cassell was born in Wytheville, Virginia, October 6, 1865, later moving with his parents to Cedar County, Missouri, and departed from this life November 7, 1933, being 68 years, 1 month and 1 day old when the sad intelligence of his death was ringing in our ears. He was united in marriage to Addie Lemaster January 11, 1894, and to this union four children were born, two girls and two boys. The two sons preceded him in death infancy. The two remaining are Nova Smith of Jerico Springs, Missouri, and Fern O'Connor of Stockton, Mo. He also leaves a loving companion, and one sister Ella W. Kell of Jerico Springs, six grand children and a host of other relatives and friends. He professed faith in Christ at an early date in manhood and united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Omer and became a faithful worker for the Lord. Always at his post of duty as a Sunday school and church worker. His death was a shocking sensation to his entire family and community. He was stricken with heart failure which he had been troubled with for some time and passed away suddenly. Grant, as he was best known among his many friends, was jolly, good natured and always ready to help in time of need. His motto was the Golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you," thereby being a living example for all with whom he came in contact. (Poem omitted.) Funeral services were conducted at the Methodist Church of Omer by Rev. Daughtery assisted by the local pastor Rev. Jasper after which the I.O.O.F. Lodge of Stockton of which he was a faithful member for forty-six years, took charge at the cemetery.
Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri; November _, 1933
U. S
Grant Cassell, a highly respected citizen and farmer of Omer vicinity fell
dead in the store at Omer Tuesday afternoon. A cerebral hemorrhage was the
Mr Cassell was born in Wyorth county Virginia on October 6, 1865;
died November 7, 1933; age 68 years, 1 month and 1 day. Funeral services
will be held at Omer Thursday, afternoon at two o'clock. The burial will be
in charge of the Davis & Co. undertakers.
Cedar County Republican and Stockton Journal, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 9 November 1933 page 1
Grant Cassell
Ulysses Stephen Grant Cassell was born in Wytheville, Va., October 6, 1865, moved to Cedar County, Missouri, with his parents as a child, and departed this life Nov. 7, 1933, at the age of 68 years, 1 month and 1 day. Death was from heart failure and came entirely without warning in the store at Omer near his home.
He was united in marriage to Addie Lemaster, Jan. 11, 1894, and to this union four children were born, two girls and two boys both boys dying in infancy. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Nova Smith of Jerico Springs and Mrs. Fern O'Connor of Stockton, one sister Mrs. Ella V. Kell of Jerico Springs, six grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends.
professed faith in Christ in early manhood, united with the Cumberland
church at Omer, and became a faithful worker for the Lord, always at his
post of duty as a church and Sunday school worker. His death was a great
shock to his family and the entire community. Grant, as he was best known,
was jolly, good natured and always ready to help at time of need. His motto
was the Golden Rule and his life was an example for all with whom he came in
Mr. Cassell came from a pioneer family and was widely known as an
upright, honest and progressive citizen and will be greatly missed by his
home community.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. F. Daughtrey at the M. E
Church of Omer in the presence of a very large concourse of relatives and
friends. The I. O. O. F. lodge had charge of the services at the cemetery,
he having been a member of that order for 47 years. The remains were laid to
rest in the Omer Cemetery.
Stockton Journal, Stockton, Missouri; Wednesday 22 November 1933 page 5
Cedar County Republican and Stockton Journal, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 23 November 1922 page 2
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