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     Joseph Cline, carpenter at El Dorado Springs, was born in Licking County, Ohio, in 1821, and is one of the much esteemed citizens of the above mentioned city.  He is the son of Philip and Anna (Arter) Cline, and the grandson of Philip Cline, who was a native of Germany, and who settled in Illinois about 1824 or 1825, and died there about 1835 or 1836.  Philip and Ana (Arter) Cline were natives of Virginia and Pennsylvania, respectively.  They were married in Ohio in 1819, and afterwards moved to Illinois, where Mr. Cline died in 1844, and Mrs. Cline in 1840.  Mr. Cline was a blacksmith by trade.  He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and was with Gen. Hull at the time of his surrender.  Joseph Cline, the eldest of two sons and three daughters, received an ordinary education in the common schools, was reared on a farm, and went with his parents to Woodford County, Ill., where he tilled the soil until about 1850, when he learned his trade, and has followed it nearly ever since.  He is also the owner of some real estate in El Dorado, where he settled in 1883.  He is a Democrat in politics, voting for Polk in 1844, and was formerly a member of the A. F. & A. M.  His brother, Samuel Cline, married a Miss Lydia A. Sunderland, a native of Ohio, and shortly afterward they moved to Kansas, where they remained until about 1878, then moved to Cedar County, where they have since lived.  Samuel was a soldier in the Union army, serving three years in Company E, One Hundred and Eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry.  He and wife are members of the Christian Church; and he has a good farm on Sac River.  Mary Cline, sister of the subject of this sketch, is the wife of Jacob Barringer, a well-to-do farmer of Woodford County, Ill.  Julia A., another sister, died after marriage.  Sarah J., wife of Robert Campbell, is now residing in California.  The parents of the above mentioned children were members of the Baptist Church for many years.  Since 1884 Samuel and wife have lived in El Dorado.

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 728


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