Anna Craig (Nee Fiddler) was born March 3, 1876, in Logan county, Ohio, and departed this life September 26, 1931. At her home in El Dorado Springs, Mo., at 12:30 p.m.. At the age of 55 years, 6 months and 23 days.
She was first married to Amberse Meridith. To this union one child was born. Father and son dying at an early date.
She was again married to F. F. Craig, October 2, 1899 to this union three children were born one son and two girls. The girls dying when quite small.
Sister Craig was converted in the state of Texas a number of years ago, befoe she and Bro. Craig were married, and sanctified wholly in the Holiness Church in El Dorado Springs some years later, she has held fast her profession of faith since. The proof of which was shown in the life she lived, the fruit she bore, her loyalty to the church, her steadfastness in her God given conviction of right. Sister Craig took sick about the first of the year and was unable to attend church anymore. How she longed to be with the saints in their worship but thank the Lord, she has gone to a place of worship where they will never more adjourn, sickness never come, Glory! Blessed thod.
Sister Craig was loved by those who knew her for her kind and faithful disposition. She will be greatly missed by her community, church, neighbors, friends and relatives, but most of all by her dear companion and son, Parel. May great grace rest upon all the bereaved.
The deceased leaves to morn [sic] their loss a companion, son, two brothers, three sisters and a number of other relatives and friends. But our loss is her eternal gain. Her place in the church is vacant. Her place in the home none can fill. The hearts that are sad God can alone cheer and comfort. Bro. and Sister Craig had many friends which was shown by the great concourse of people who attended the funeral Sunday the 27th at 2 p.m. at the Holiness church in El Dorado Springs, conducted by the writer. Lesson read from the 1gth chapter of 1 Cor. Text Rev. 13: 13. After which the remains were laid to rest in the Clintonville cemetery by the side of her two darling little girls, to await the last trumpet sound, (1 Cor. 15:52). Glorious resurrection.
Sister was a very kind and devoted companion, a loving and faithful mother and a true Christian. Had nothing to do but to die when death came.
"Let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like His." R. C. Oldham"
Obituary - copy given to submitter; had no notation of date printed or the newspaper it came from. Submitted by: Sharon Koleber [skkoleber/\]
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