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     Feranzo K. Crawford is one of the leading farmers of Cedar County, Mo., and was born in Dade County, of the same State.  April 28, 1844, his parents being John N. and K. E. (Julian) Crawford. The former was born in Kentucky on the 27th of June, 1810, and for many years followed the occupation of blacksmithing, but of late years has given his attention to farming.  His wife was born in Tennessee in 1826, and his parents, James and Sarah (Newport) Crawford, were born in Virginia and Tennessee, respectively, the former’s birth occurring in 1782.  He moved first to Kentucky, thence to Missouri in 1838, being one of the early settlers of Dade County, where they died in 1844 and 1866, respectively.  The great-grandparents, John and Fariby Crawford, were Virginians, who removed to Kentucky at an early day.  Feranzo K. Crawford is the first of ten children, seven now living, and resided with his parents until July 28, 1862, when he enlisted in the Federal Army, and served until he received his discharge at Baton Rouge, July 28, 1865, participating in a number of important engagements.  In January, 1866, he was married to Miss Sarah E. Wheeler, who was born in Dade County in 1843, her parents being Calvin and Acenath Wheeler, both of who were early settlers of Dade County.  Here the former died, but the mother’s death occurred in Kansas. To Mr. and Mrs. Crawford eight children have been born: Robert O., Ammi F. (deceased), Lewis F., William Calvin, Hubert (deceased), Rufus (deceased), Harry B., and Jennie M.  Mr. Crawford has been a resident of Cedar County since 1867, and owns 280 acres of land, with 120 cultivated.  He is a member of the G.A.R., a Republican in politics, and his first presidential vote was cast for Lincoln. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is one of the worthy citizens of the county.

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 728-729


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