John B. Cross, one of Cedar County’s successful farmers and stockmen, was born in Sangamon County, Ill., November 24, 1843, and was reared in Macon County. His father, Barnard Cross, was born about 1813, and throughout life was a farmer and mechanic, and died in Sangamon County, in 1847. His wife, whose maiden was Priscilla Evans, was born in the “Old North State,” in 1814 and died in Cedar County, Mo., in August, 1882. William Cross, the grandfather, was a Kentuckian, and was one of the pioneer settlers of Sangamon County, Ill., but died in DeWitt county, at an advanced age, his wife, Charlotte, dying in the same county. John B. Cross is the third of four children, and made his home with his mother until his marriage, after which she made her home with him. He received his education in the public schools of Macon County, Ill. His marriage took place in 1868, and was to Miss Utherna Ann Cooksy, who was born and reared in Scott County, Ill., her birth occurring in 1845, her parents, Benjamin and Ann Cooksy, being among the early settlers of Scott County. In 1872 Mr. Cross emigrated with his family to Cedar County, Mo., where he now owns a fine farm of 120 acres, and is considered one of the intelligent farmers of the community. He supports the principles of the Democratic party. He and wife are the parents of the following children: Sarah D., wife of David Matette; Mary P., Richard M., William T., Franklin D., John M., Iva Ann and Alma R.
From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 730
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