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     Zimri Dixon, a substantial farmer residing about ten miles from Stockton, Mo., was born in Ross County, Ohio, June 19, 1823, and is a son of Jacob and Nancy (Darby) Dixon, who were born on Kentucky soil in 1803, and died in Cedar County, Mo. (whither they came in 1838), in 1884 and in 1869, respectively. They suffered many privations and hardships in clearing their wood-land farm, but eventually became well-to-do. Zimri Dixon was the second of their then children, and, after his mother’s death, remained with his father, assisting on the home farm until manhood, in the meantime receiving no educational advantages. In 1855 he married Miss America Hopper, who was born in Tennessee about 1836, and their union was blessed in the birth of ten children, seven living: William H., George L., Loransy L., Parlee, wife of James Campbell, Dennis C., Delphia and Lewis M. In the summer of 1850 Mr. Dixon crossed the plains to California, where he remained until 1854, then returning to Cedar County, Mo. He has 210 acres of good land, which is well improved. He is a Republican politically, and during the late war served in the State militia. Mrs. Dixon’s parents, Jackson and Nancy Hopper, came to Cedar County, Mo., about 1850, where they spent the rest of their lives.

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 731-732


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