D. R. D. Dobyns, President of the Cruce Banking Company since its incorporation in 1885, and retired farmer, is now residing in El Dorado Springs. He was born in Muhlenberg County, Ky., in 1814, and is the son of Dr. Lew and Ann (Anderson) Dobyns, natives of Virginia. The parents were married in Kentucky, and there the father died in 1845. He was a farmer in early life, but for many years was a successful physician; was justice of the peace for several years; was colonel of the militia in general muster days and was a member of the Christian Church. His father, Batton Dobyns, was a native Virginian. Mrs. Ann (Anderson) Dobyns died when her son, D. R. D. Dobyns, was but eight or ten years of age, and the father was married the second time. Her father, Robert Anderson, was born in Virginia and died in Kentucky. D. R. D. Dobyns was the second of three children, and received a limited education in the subscription schools of his native county. At the age of fifteen he went to Tennessee, and carried mail from Murfreesboro to Springplace, in Georgia (then the Cherokee Nation), on horseback for four years. The distance was 150 miles. In 1836 he married, in Rutherford County, Tenn., Miss Matilda Wadley, the daughter of John and Mary Wadley, who died in Kentucky in 1845, leaving two children, both deceased. He was married the second time in Christian County, Ky., to M. E., the daughter of John W. and Nancy Thompson, who emigrated from South Carolina in an early day to Christian County, Ky., and married there, remaining there during their lives. Mr. Dobyns reared four children by the last marriage, but all are now deceased. In 1839 Mr. Dobyns returned to Kentucky, and in 1856 came to Cooper County, Mo. Where he remained until 1858, after which he removed to Henry County and ther remained until his removal to El Dorado Springs. He has made farming and stock-dealing his principal occupation during life, and has accumulated a handsome property. He has a fine farm of 115 acres four miles northeast of El Dorado Springs, and besides has considerable real estate in town. He has been a Democrat all his life, and his first presidential vote was cast for Martin Van Buren in 1836. Mrs. Dobyns has been a member of the Christian Church for many years, and Mr. Dobyns, although not a member, contributes liberally to the churches, and to all laudable enterprises.
From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 732
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