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     Mrs. Elsie J. Fiddler, wife of Noah Fiddler, deceased, died April 23, 1908, at the home of her son near Bear Creek. Her death was due to nervous prostration. She was born in Ohio. Jan. 2, 1843 and was married to Noah Fiddler Ang., 3 1873. To this union six children was born, four girls and two boys: all are living and four are married. Sister Fiddler was converted to God in her 18th year and joined the M. E. church and lived and died in the church, she was a consistent member of the church, a good neighbor and also a good mother. She was confined to her bed six month before she died and she bore her afflictions with patience and christian fortitude, and she said often during her sickness that she was ready to go whenever the Lord was ready to take her. She was buried in the Lindley Prairie cemetery in the presence of all her children except two and also a large concourse of friends and neighbors. Her funeral was preached from Rev. 13:14.           John A. McIntosh

Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 7 May 1908 page 2.

Submitted by: Sharon Koleber [skkoleber/\lpbroadband.net]


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