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John A. Firestone, residing on his farm of 200 acres, five miles east of Stockton, Mo., was born in Boterourt County, VA., May 22, 1842, and is a son of Michael T. and Rebecca (Brown) Firestone, who were also born in that county, January 3, 1812, and October 30, 1819, respectively. They came to Cedar County, Mo., in 1853, engaged in farming, and here died in 1884. The second of eleven children, and, until twenty-one years old, worked on his father's farm, but only received a few months' schooling. March 1, 1862, he enlisted in Company D, Eighth Missouri Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, and received his discharge on the 9th of March 1865. He then returned to Cedar County, and resumed farming, and, in the fall of 1865, married Miss Frances Paynter, whose birth, occurred in Botetourt County, Va., March 25, 1845 (for parents; history see sketch of Judge C. W. Paynter). They have the following children: Michael C., John E. T. (was accidentally shot May 4, in Idaho, by Mrs. Paul), Alonzo, Labirta B., Emily R., Charles N., Lulu, Sadie, Gertie, William C. and Romie. Mr. Firestone has been a resident of Cedar County since 1853, and is one of the prosperous farmers of the county. He has 150 acres improved and under cultivation. He is a Republican in Politics, a member of the G. A. R., and is a man who has always commanded the respect and esteem of all who know him.

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 734


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