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     Jeff. Fortner was born October 7th, 1831 professed faith in Christ in 1850 and was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church at West Union at the time of death. He was married to Dolly E. Cox, February 14th, 1852. Died April 10, 1913. He was the father of 12 children 5 of whom are living [died]. He leaves a wife and 7 children and a number of friends to mourn their loss. Funeral services were conducted at the home by Elder James N. Jeffries April 11th, 1913 in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. We sympathize greatly with the bereaved one.

          A loving one from us is gone,
          A voice we loved is stilled,
          A place is vacant in our home,
          Which never can be filled.
          We know we loved you father,
          But God loved you best,
          And in his tender me cy,
          He called you home to rest.

Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 17 April 1913 page 2


A member of the West Union Baptist Church and lived a devoted Christian life. He was a good husband, a kind father, a good neighbor, honest in all his dealings and a friend to all. We know he has passed from death unto life because he loved the brethren. Dearest father, thou hast left us, and our sorrow can't be told; But we know that we will meet you Over in that City of Gold.


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