L-R: Mrs. Farol Hendricks and Mrs. Lucy Nichols are daughters of Malinda Graham Bayless and granddaughters of Robert & Ann Graham. Farol Hendricks is wearing a dress owned by Ann Graham, her grandmother. Below are obituaries of some of the Robert Graham children. Please provide any other children's published notice of death or obituary to the County Coordinator. The 1850 Cedar County, Missouri Federal Census shows the Ann Graham household as follows:
Ann Graham, b. 1811, TN
Wm C Graham, b. 1831, MO
Tho P[B] Graham, b. 1832, MO
Susan Graham, b. 1834, MO
John M Graham, b. 1835, MO
Martha Graham, b. 1837, MO
Adeline Graham, b. 1838, MO
Robert Abraham[Marion] Graham, b. 1840, MO
Mary Graham, b. 1840, MO
Orlina Graham, b. 1842, MO
James J Graham, b. 1844, MO
Melinda J Graham, b. 1847, MO
Thos. B. Graham Dead.
Thos. B. Graham, for more than 80 years lived in Cedar county, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Laura Holman, in Dade county, Tuesday, June 3d. He was born in Ray county this state, March 1st, 1832, and in the fall of that year his parents moved to Cedar county, where Mr. Graham had made his home until his home was broken up by the death of his wife about 12 years ago. Since that time he has made his home in Dade county, and with his son James at Centralia, Okla. For many years he was a very successful farmer and stock raiser. He was also a director of the Stockton Exchange bank until a few years ago. He had for many years been a member of the Stockton Lodge No. 283, A. F. & A. M.
The remains were brought here for interment Wednesday afternoon and the funeral services were conducted by Rev. Luther Tucker at the M. E. Church, and by the Masonic lodge.
Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 5 June 1919 page 3.
Miss Susan Graham married Mr. George Salley [Sallee] 21 December 1854 in Cedar Township, Cedar County, Missouri.
EDSALL--Martha Ann Graham Edsall, wife of Samuel Barton Edsall, and a well known pioneer woman of Jackson and Klamath counties, died at Keno, Klamath county, May 25th, 1918, at the age of 81 years, nine months and three days. The remains were brought to the Phoenix cemetery for burial on May 27.
Mrs. Edsall was born in Cedar county, Missouri, Aug. 22nd, 1836, and was married April 1st, 1860, to Samuel Barton Edsall. Seven children were born to the union. They are Mrs. Eliza A. Smith of Medford, George W. Edsall of Sacramento, Calif., Mrs. Lillie M. Hughes of Orland, Calif., Frederick W. Edsall of Keno, Ore., and James C. Edsall, Chas. L. Edsall (deceased) and Thomas M. Edsall of Bly, Ore. Five of the children were present at the bedside at the time of death. Mrs. Edsall had 12 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
She crossed the plains in 1860 with ox teams and settled in California and in 1877 came to Jackson county, Ore., and had resided in Jackson and Klamath counties ever since.
Medford Mail Tribune, Medford, Oregon; Friday 31 May 1918 page 2.
Mrs. P. T. Foust Passed Away Monday
Adaline Graham was one of the first white children born in Cedar county. She was born Feb. 12, 1838; died April 19, 1920. She was married to P. T. Foust and of this union six children were born, two daughters and four sons. Only one son, W. A. Foust of Box township was present at the time of her death.
Funeral services were conducted at the Baptist church in Stockton Tuesday afternoon by Elder L. L. Tucker and interment was made in the Stockton cemetery.
As a pioneer and a good mother a more extended notice would be more appropriate; but as we have not the data for such at this time it may be prepared later. Deepest sympathy is extended to the family.
Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 22 April 1920 page 2
Passes Away Friday Evening of Last Week
Mary Graham was born at Stockton, Mo., June 22, 1840, and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank McCall on Friday evening, May 23, 1924, at the age of 83 years, 11 months and 1 day.
In 1866 she married Thomas B. White and lived in Missouri until 1901 when she and, her family moved to Cedar Vale, Kansas, where she spent the rest of her life. Her companion died June 5, 1910.
There were eight children born to this union, three of whom died. William at the age of two years, Eva at the age of 16 and another daughter, Mrs. Julen Foudray, who preceded her in death 15 years ago, having passed away on March 17, 1909.
The surviving children are Robert, James and Lee White, Mrs. Dora Bell and Mrs. Lettie McCall, all of whom were at the bed side at the time of her death.
Mrs. White was an excellent Christian woman, loved and highly esteemed by all who knew her, kind of heart, always faithful in attendance at the services of her church as long as health permitted.
Mrs. White united with the Liberty Baptist church in Mo., in 1886 and was always a faithful member.
Her beautiful character was revealed in her patient suffering during her sickness.
She leaves to mourn her loss, three sons, two daughters, 23 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren.
The gates of Heaven were left ajar,
And through these portals
She went to claim her
Her mansion waiting there
In such rapt peace her
Spirit passed
Upon the outward way,
We scarce had known the
Master called
'Ere she had gone away
No more for her shall
weary nights
Drag out their hours of
God's day tis restful
freshness speaks
O'er all the heavenly
She did not die! She
entered life!
Oh! Stricken ones look
Shall faith refuse the
bitter draught
When Jesus holds the cup?
The Cedar Vale Messenger, Cedar Vale, Kansas; Friday 30 May 1924 page 1
One of Cedar county's oldest native citizens passed away in the death of Robt. M. Graham, which occurred at his home in Filley Friday, August 23. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at the Wagoner cemetery conducted by Rev. A. M. Weaver.
Robert Marion Graham was born in Cedar county June 22, 1840, his family being among the earliest settlers in this section of Missouri. He grew to manhood and when the Civil war broke out he espoused the Southern cause and served under General Marmaduke. He went through many hardships and was wounded at the battle of Wilson's creek.
After the war he settled down to start life over. In 1867 he united with the Baptist church and remained a faithful member to the end. April 2, 1871, he was united in marriage to Nancy Jane Frieze, whose mother was a Marshall, also among the earliest settlers of the country. Her people were Union sympathizers and Republicans and Bob was a Confederate and a Democrat. This difference was never settled, but if there was ever any other difference between them, the writer, who has known them intimately for thirty years, never discovered it. They went to work with a will and improved their land on the ridge between Cedar and Horse creeks. About four years ago they retired from active labor and moved to Filley to spend their last days. For several years he has suffered from kidney and liver trouble, dropsy finally causing his death.
In his active days, Bob Graham was an influential man in the community and his home a center of hospitality. In later years, his recollections of the pioneer days of this county and the "late unpleasantness" have furnished interest and instruction to hundreds who have had the pleasure of talking with him. He was a good man who did life's work while it was to be done, rested a while and now has passed to the other shore.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham were the parents of four children. The first born, Alonzo, died in 1876 at the age of 4 years. Besides his wife, he is survived by a son, Oscar L. Graham of Jerome, Arizona, and two daughters, Mrs. Josie Crawford of Filley and Mrs. Lelia G. Clark of Atlanta, Ga.
The El Dorado Springs News, El Dorado Springs, Missouri; Thursday 29 August 1918 page 1.
Mrs. Orlena Foust-White
Mrs. Orlena Foust-White, 82, died Wednesday morning, June 15, 1927, at the home of her son-in-law, J. M. White, who lives six miles north of Stillwater, Ok.
Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the Bennett-Sherrod Funeral home, 423 Main street, conducted by the Rev. A. F. Wasson. Burial will be in Fair Lawn cemetery.
Mrs. White was a native of Missouri. She was married in 1867 to A. J. Foust, who died many years ago. In 1883, she was married to Benjamin F. White, who died five years ago. She is survived by five step-children, twenty-five grandchildren and twenty-two great-grandchildren. Three children born to her are dead.
The Stillwater Gazette, Stillwater, Oklahoma; Friday 17 June 1927 page 1.
No one hears the door that
When they go beyond our call;
Soft as loosened leaves of roses,:
One by one our loved ones fall."
One more time this side eternity we
bid farewell to one who is "just away"
Malinda Graham Bayless was born March 4, 1849, died Dec. 7, 1920 aged 71 years, 9 months, days. She was converted at the age of I8 and united with the Baptist church at Hopewell. A short time ago she placed her membership with her husband in the Christian church at Stockton.
She was married Mar. I3, 1872 to Geo. W. Bayless and to this union 7 children were born, two boys dying in infancy. The five daughters have grown to womanhood by her side. These with 5 grandchildren and two sons-in-law were at her bedside. One son-in-law preceded her over a year ago. Belonging to a family who settled this county in an early day she possessed the untiring energy and dauntless courage of the pioneer. Neither forsook her until the last, for she met the approach of death as calmly as "He who wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down to pleasant dreams."
She was a kind mother, loving wife and friend, but she has gone save for the beautiful memories sweet and tender that linger in the hearts of we who are left.
Funeral services were held by Elder Weaver, assisted by Rev. Long.
Weep not that her toils are
Weep not that her race is won
God grant we may rest as calmly
When our work, like hers, is done"
N. B. H.
Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 16 December 1920 page 3
Born in Monroe County. Be Came to Livingston County When a Young Man.
James Graham. one of Livingston county's pioneer residents, passed away at his home four miles north of Chillicothe Wednesday morning, at 3 o'clock. Mr. Graham has been a victim of heart trouble for several years, and during the past few months his condition had become alarming. Altho during most of that time he was up and about his home, this fact was due to the nature of the disease which made it impossible for him to rest comfortably lying down. While it had been felt by relatives and close friends for some time that he could not recover, his death was rather sudden.
Mr. Graham was born in Monroe county, Missouri. and moved to Livingston county while a young man. He had made this county his home ever since. Had he lived until next July he would have been 72 years of age.
Besides his widow, he is survived by four children, namely, Edward Graham of Callaway, Neb., Sam Graham of Kansas City and Mrs. Nellie Wells and Lawrence Graham of this county. He is also survived by two brothers, Sam Graham of Monroe City. Mo., and Rob Graham of Callaway, Neb. His brother Bob was at his bedside when death came.
The funeral will be held from the home Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev. Harper conducting the services. Burial will be in the Jones cemetery.
The Chillicothe Constitution, Chillicothe, Missouri; Wednesday 21 February 1917 page 1.
State of Idaho Certificate of Death
Sarah Elizabeth Powell
Born 6 July 1852, Stockton, Missouri
Died 4 May 1934, Wilder, Canyon County, Idaho
Father: Thomas (sic) Graham, born Tennessee
Mother: Anna, born Tennessee.
Informant: Mrs. John Newport of Wilder, Idaho
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