Solomon O. Grimes, one of Jefferson Township’s well known farmers, is a naďve of the “Old North State,” born May 30, 1845, and since 1857—at which time his parents, Stephen and Susan (Elrod) Grimes, came to Missouri--he has been identified with the interests of Cedar County, being now the owner of a good farm of 236 acres, with about 130 acres under cultivation. In 1873 he was married to Miss Orlena Irwin, who was born in Missouri, in 1849, and died in December of 1879. She was the daughter of Cass and Rebecca Irwin, who were among the early settlers of Cedar County, and was the mother of five children: Orlena, wife of m. Austin; Amanda, wife of W. White; Mary wife of Wesley Hammons; Henry and Ida (deceased). Mr. Grimes took for his second wife Mrs. Narsee (Simmons) Baker, a daughter of Absalom and Loretta Jones. She was born in Cedar County, in 1849, and has borne Mr. Grimes four children: Arthur (deceased), Johnnie, Jimmie (deceased) and Joseph. In 1862 Mr. Grimes enlisted in Company A, Fifteenth Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, and after serving in the Missouri State Militia, served twenty months in the regular army, until the close of the war. He supports the measures of the Republican party, and cast his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln. He has shown his brotherly spirit by joining the I.O.O. F., being a member of Humansville Lodge No. 310. Mrs. Grimes is a member of the Campbellite Church. His father and mother were born in North Carolina, in 1820 and in 1830, respectively, and the former was of Dutch descent, a farmer by occupation, and died in Dade County, Mo., in 1860. His wife is of Irish-German descent, and is now living in Cedar County. Her father, David Elrod, was born in the “Emerald Isle.”
From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 737
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