William B. Hamlett, a farmer residing about eight miles from Stockton, Mo., was born in Henderson County, Tenn., January 27, 1833, his parents, Richard and Elizabeth (McCullester), Hamlett, being Tennesseans who died in the native State. William B. was the second of their six children, and, after the death of his parents went to live with his grandfather, James Hamlett, but, after remaining with him one year, hired out to a farmer to work by the month. In September 1854, he married, in St. Clair County, Mo., Miss Amanda A. Phillips, who was born in Henderson County, Tenn., in 1836, and died August 31, 1873, leaving, besides her husband, the following children to mourn her loss: George W., Andrew J.; Martha J., wife of James I. Simmons; William A., Mary F., James M., and Lizzie C. On November 8, 1874, Mr. Hamlett married Mrs. Mary A. (Reed) Blodgett, a daughter of James Reed. She was born in Georgia, about 1845, and her marriage with Mr. Hamlett resulted in the birth of eight children, seven living: Charles B., Harriett N., Nellie May, Sena F., Laura E., Adda D. and Elsie A. January 1, 1854, Mr. Hamlett emigrated to Missouri and located in St. Clair County, where he resided until 1858, when he crossed the plains to Pike’s Peak. He returned to Missouri the same year, and now owns 370 acres of land, 165 acres being under cultivation. In 1862 he enlisted in Company M, Fifteenth Missouri Cavalry, and after serving three years, returned to the peaceful pursuit of farming, which he has since continued. He is a stanch Republican in politics.
From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 738-739
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