Dr. W. H. HARRIS died July 23d, 1899, at his residence in Madison township, Cedar county, Mo. He was born in the state of Virginia, Dec. 22, 1825, making his age 73 years, 7 months and 1 day. He moved to the state of Tennessee when young and in 1849 he moved to Cedar county, Mo. A short time before the civil war he moved to the state of Texas and during the war he moved back to Cedar county, Mo., living there until his death. He was a Federal soldier during the latter part of the civil war and was a pensioner under the law of June 1890. Dr. HARRIS commenced the practice of medicine before the war and practiced until about a year before he died. He was a good citizen, father and neighbor and had many friends. He had been married twice and had a wife and several children to mourn his loss. His remains were followed to the Lindley Prairie cemetery by a large concourse of friends and relatives. Services were held by the Rev. Joseph SAMSEL, after which he was buried by the G. A. R. of which he was a member. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and spoke often during his sickness of his hopes of going to that better and brighter world on high.
Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri.
Transcribed by Kay Snow.
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