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     William A. Higgins was born in Jo Daviess County, Ill., in 1842, and is a son of William H. and Priscilla (Journey) Higgins, who were born in Kentucky and St. Clair County, Ill., in 1813 and 1815, and died in Cedar County, Mo., and Illinois, in 1865 and 1867, respectively.  The father removed from his native State to Illinois with his father, William Higgins, at an early day, and after making a few changes of residence finally located in Cedar County, Mo.  William A. Higgins is the third of six children, and received his early education in the common schools of Illinois.  He lived with his father until the latter’s death, and since 1868 has been a resident of Cedar County, where he owns 250 acres of land.  He is a Republican in politics, and cast his first presidential vote of Abraham Lincoln.  November 4, 1869, he was married to Miss Annie E. Allen, who was born in Cedar County, Mo., in 1853, and by her is the father of four children: Dora M., Bertha A., Walter E. and Nellie L.  Mr. Higgins and wife are members of the Christian and Baptist Churches, respectively.  Her parents, Joseph and Beulah Allen, were among the first settlers of Cedar County, Mo., of which he was elected the first county clerk by the Democratic party.  He became one of it prominent citizens, and he and wife died here when quite advanced in years.  While a resident of Tennessee Mr. Allen was also clerk of Dade County.

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 741-742


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