John M. Hudson is one of the substantial farmers of the county, and deserves honorable mention as such. His farm, on which he located in 1877, situated about eight miles east of the county seat, comprises 180 acres of good land, about 140 of which is under cultivation and well improved, his residence being a handsome two-story frame structure. He was born in the county in which he now resides, in 1849, and is the eighth of nine children born to the marriage of Meredith Hudson and Matilda Moore, who were born in West Virginia and Tennessee, respectively, the latter’s birth occurring in 1808. When a young man the father left his native State, and went to Tennessee, where he was married, and afterward removed to Cedar County, Mo., in 1843, where he entered land on which he died in august, 1860. His widow is still living. John M. Hudson resided with his parents until he attained his twenty-first year, then began doing for himself, and in 1872 was married to Miss Rebecca Butner, who was born in Cedar County, Mo., and died in 1878, having borne three children, Mary A., being the only one living. In 1879 Mr. Hudson took for his second wife Mrs. Frances (Little) Hobbs, who was born in Adams county, Ill, in 1849, and by her has four children: Rosa T., Sarah M., Charles B. and Elsie M. Mrs. Hudson’s parents are Andrew J. and Mary A. Little. Since 1875 Mr. Hudson has resided on his present property. He is a Republican in politics, and cast his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln.
From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 743-744
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