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Meryle E. Jackson, youngest son of S. E. Jackson and wife, was born October 27, 1899, and died August 24, 1918, age 18 years, 10 months and 3 days, of pneumonia fever while in training at Mare Island, Cal. Naval Training Station. His funeral was held at the Brasher Cemetery Sunday afternoon, September 1, in the presence of a large crowd of relatives and friends, probably the largest crown ever attending a funeral at this place. It was estimated about 1500 persons were there. Rev. J. H. Cleaves, of the Methodist Church of El Dorado Springs pastor of the church which Meryle belonged, conducted the services assisted by S. M. Snodgrass, he having been the deceased's Sunday School teacher. A letter from the Commanding Officer of the Haval Tr. Sta. to the parents was read, expressing sincere sympathy to them and congratulating them upon having so fine and noble son. The casket was covered with beautiful flowers, the gift of loving friends and relatives. Two car loads of relatives, friends and classmates of his came up from Morrisville to attend the funeral, among them Miss Annis Watson, a close friend of the dead boy. There were also several cars from El Dorado Springs, Stockton, Caplinger Mills and various places, the Jacksons having acquaintances all over the country. In response to a telegram Miss Effie Potter came home the first of last week from Chillicothe where she is attending Business College to be present at the funeral. No eulogy need be given of Meryle Jackson as his life and character are known to everyone of his acquaintances and he made friends of practically all whom he came into contact.

Jerico Springs Optic, Jerico Springs, Missouri; September _, 1918


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