S. L. Kerr, Collector
A Citizen of Cedar County For 35 years. A Good Man.
Samuel Lafayette Kerr died early last Friday morning at his home in this place. He was born in Blood county, Tennessee, February 17, 1835--aged 66 years and 11 months at his death.
In his early manhood he studied medicine and practiced that profession for a short time. He was married to Miss Fanny Winton in Tennessee and two children were born to this union. The son died in childhood and the daughter who became the wife of C. B. Hall died a few years ago. His first wife died October 4, 1865.
In 1866 Mr. Kerr came to Stockton and engaged as salesman in the store of J. W. McCluer & Co. and later conducted business for himself.
In 1867 he married Miss Margaret J. Ackason, who survives him and to this union 7 children were born, two, a boy and girl died in early childhood; the five surviving are Mrs. Dora Bussell, Mrs. Esta Putnum, Mrs. Sammie Smith, Misses Margaret and Carrie.
In 1874 Mr. Kerr was elected judge of the county court on the Democratic ticket and served one term. In 1882 he was elected collector and succeeded himself in 1884, on retiring from office he engaged in the mercantile business. Those that have been associated with him as partners are: C. B. Hall, R. A. Church, T. J. Travis and Mr. J. F. Bussell who is the present surviving partner.
The subject of this sketch was a good man, a kind husband and father. He, in his life, illustrated what a man can do if he will. He was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church but there being no organization here be associated with the M. E. Church. He was superintendant of the Sunday school for several years. He had been a member of the Stockton school board for several terms, always as faithful in that duty as in others, at his death he was treasurer for the district. The last illness of the deceased became serious about December 27, when he went to his home from business in the afternoon to never return. He had been a sufferer from asthma for some time. No expense was spared for the best medical skill.
The funeral Saturday afternoon was conducted by Sac River Lodge 110, I. O. O. F. of which he was a charter member and had filled all important offices. The esteem in which he was held by that order was evidence by the number who came to pay their last respects to their beloved brother. Rev. Sidman, of Greenfield preach[ed] an excellent funeral sermon. The remains were followed to the Stockton cemetery by the Odd Fellow fraternity, the Rebekah lodge, the children and teachers and board of directors of public school. family and friends. Fully 600 people were present. Members from the lodges at Bear Creek, Fair Play, El Dorado and Filley were here.
Stockton and surrounding country sympathize deeply with the bereaved family in their loss.
Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 23 January 1902 page 1.
Mrs. Kerr Dead.
Margaret Jane Ackason was born in Green county, Tennessee, August 4, 1847, died in Stockton, Mo., July 4, 1932, age 84 years, 11 months.
Moved to Missouri with her parents in 1856, arriving in Stockton on June 2, of that year. She was married to Samuel L. Kerr, June 19, 1857 at the Tennessee house in Stockton, Mo.
To this union seven children were born, Georgia Samuel and Ira Agnes died in infancy, Fannie Estella died January 4, 1922, Mary Elizabeth, a step-daughter died Feb. 1, 1899. Dora, Sammie, Margaret and Carrie, seven grand children, 2 step-grand-children and four great-grand children remain to mourn for her.
She had been a member of the church for many years and it was always a pleasure for her to attend services, especially the Sunday School. She enjoyed so much meeting her friends and appreciated the many kindnesses shown her. She was the oldest charter member of the Rebekah Lodge, who had charge of the services.
Funeral services were conducted at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. W. Smith, by L. L. Tucker and the remains laid to rest by the side of her husband in the Stockton Cemetery with a very impressive ceremony by the Rebecca Lodge of which she had been a faithful member. She lived to a ripe old age and left us the heritage of a life well spent.
The Stockton Journal, Stockton, Missouri; Wednesday 6 July 1932 page 1.
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