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 Elizabeth DENTON, born in Botatourt county, Va., March 24, 1824. United marriage to Lewis KESLER, May 29, 1845. To this union were born six daughters, five of whom still live. In her young days she became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church; but on her marriage to Mr. KESLER, both united with the Lutherian church, wherein she remained a devoted Christian until her death. After the death of her husband, which occurred in 1859, she came to this state where she has since resided; living an exemplary life before all the community. She was taken sick in February and after four months of intense suffering, she passed into the great beyond, June 29, 1899, making her age at death, 75 years, 3 months and 5 days. During all her sickness, if asked concerning the future life, she expressed a willingness to go and had no fear of death. She knew it to be only the gateway through which she would enter into the haven of eternal rest. All but one of the children were in attendance at the funeral services, which were conducted by Rev. D. T. SIMMONS, of Fair Play, June 30, at Lindley Prairie cemetery. A large number of friends were in attendance expressing as best they could their sympathy and condolence

Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri.

Transcribed by Kay Snow.


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