Simon B. Leedy has resided in Cedar County, Mo., since 1878 and has a fertile farm of 160 acres nine miles west of Jerico. His native State is Ohio, and he was born in Knox County of that State, December 14, 1838, being the eldest of twelve children of Samuel A. and Elizabeth (Bostater) Leedy, and the grandson of Abraham and Elizabeth (Zook) Leedy, the latter couple being Pennsylvanians, who died in Ohio, whither they had moved in 1829. The Leedys are of Swiss descent. Samuel Leedy and wife were born in Bedford County, Penn., and Washington County, Md., May 19, 1816, and August 26, 1815, respectively, and the former was a farmer and Brethren minister but is now retired from the active duties of life, and is residing with his son, Simon B. His wife died in February, 1887, in Cedar County, Mo., whither they had come in 1882. Simon B. Leedy resided with his parents until his marriage to miss Elizabeth Martin, which event took place in 1865. She was born in the “Buckeye State” in 1835, and is the mother of five living children: Ira C., Orpheus A., Elda M., Aquilla G. and Lucian G., Samuel is deceased. In 1878 Mr. Leedy remove to Cedar County, Mo., where he has since made his home. He has 100 acres of land under cultivation, and forty acres of timber land. Stephen A. Douglas received his first vote for the presidency, and he is now a Democrat politically. Mr. Leedy is a Brethren minister, and all the family are church members.
From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 749
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