Thomas T. and Milton B. Loy, attorneys at law of Stockton, Mo., are natives of Cedar County, Mo., born in 1854 and 1859, respectively, and are the sons of Thomas and Sarah (Turner) Loy. In the latter part of the eighteenth century, Thomas Loy, the grandfather of our subjects, came from England and settled in the State of North Carolina, and about 1815 or 1820 removed to Adair County, Ky., bringing with him his son Thomas, who was born in North Carolina in 1811. The latter was married in that State in 1832, and in 1848 came to Cedar County, Mo., and in the latter year started out for the gold fields of California, but was taken sick with cholera and taken in Independence, Mo., where he was cared for until his recovery. He then returned to his family in Cedar County, and bought 200 acres of land, on which he settled and passed the remainder of his life, dying in July, 1884. His wife was born in Virginia in 1815, and is yet living, being the mother of six children: Louisa, wife of T. N. Hill; Mary E., wife of J. E. Hartley, president of the Stockton Exchange Bank; Jennie, wife of Nathaniel Jones; Georgia Ann, wife of w. D. Love; Thomas T., and Milton B. the last two named received their rudimentary education in the common schools, and were reared to manhood on their father’s farm. At the age of twenty-two years Thomas T. began teaching school, which occupation he followed four terms, and then entered the law department of the State University at Columbia, Mo., from which institution he graduated in 1880. He then formed a partnership with R. F. Buler, of Carthage, with whom he has since remained associated, Mr. Buler having charge of the practice at Carthage, and he at Stockton. December 12, 1880, he was married to Miss Emma Wells, who was born in Cedar County, Mo., in 1861. They have two children: Carroll G. and Alice E. Milton B. Loy commenced teaching school at the age of eighteen years, and in 1879 began attending the Commercial Business College of Keokuk, Iowa, and in the winter of 1879 and 1880 attended the Literary Department of the State University. In the latter year he became a disciple of Blackstone in the office of Judge D. P. Stratton, of Nevada, and was admitted to the bar the same year, but, upon the organization of the Stockton Exchange Bank, he was elected cashier, and filled the position very ably for five years. Since October, 1887, he and his brother Thomas T. have been law partners, and are enterprising and successful members of the legal fraternity. They are well posted, social, courteous, and have many warm personal friends. They are Democrats, and members of the Masonic Order, Stockton Lodge No. 283, Royal Arch Chapter No. 70, and Constantine Commandery No. 27, at Greenfield. They also belong to the Knights of Pythias Lodge No. 103. May 9, 1880, Milton B. was married to Miss Lurah D., a daughter of J. E. Hartley. She was born in Missouri, in February, 1864, and she and Mr. Loy have one son, Walter M. His wife, as well as his brother’s wife are members of the Christian Church.
From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 753-754
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