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     William J. Lyon, a farmer residing about ten miles east of Stockton, Mo., was born in Smith County, Va., on the 24th of July, 1824, being the only surviving member of a family of six children.  At the age of thirty years he left the home of his birth, and came to Cedar County, Mo., where he has ever since made his home, being the owner of 176 acres of land, and is considered one of the successful farmers of the county.  He is a member of the Masonic order, and in his political views is a Democrat, being elected by that party to the office of public administrator, and served two years.  In 1847 he married Louisa Whitehead, who was born in Virginia in 1824, and died May 28, 1851, leaving one child: Robert Newton.  In 1853 Mr. Lyon married Mrs. Sarah A. (Cowan) Lightner, who was born in Tennessee in 1825.  She was a daughter of William and Nancy Cowan, and died January 30, 1866, having borne two children: Nancy a., wife of John A. King; and Mary F., wife of P. R. Holbert.  Mr. Lyon married his third wife October 27, 1867.  Her maiden name was Martha J. King, a daughter of Thomas and Ava King, and the widow of Mr. Kizer.  Her death occurred on the 6th of November, 1885, she having become the mother of two children: James I. and David K.  Mr. Lyon is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.  His parents, Jacob and Mary (Snodgrass) Lyon, and his grand parents, Umberson and Ann (Long) Lyon, were all Virginians, the former couple being born in 1779 and 1799, respectively.  Thee fathr [sic] was a farmer, and died in 1867, his wife dying in 1850.

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 754-755


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