Christopher Hannibal Mace, a retired merchant of Stockton, Mo., was born in Scott County, VA., in 1835, and made his home with his parents, Stephen and Rebecca (Murry) Mace, until he was thirteen years of age, at which time he went to Floyd County, Ky., and, as a means of obtaining a livelihood, engaged in school teaching, continuing this occupation two years. In 1856 he came to Polk County, Mo., where he followed the same calling three terms, and in 1859 returned to Kentucky, and taught one more term. He then taught school in Fannin County, Texas, from 1860 to 1863, then came north to Arkansas, with forty-one men, and enlisted in Company K, Fourteenth Regiment, Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, U.S.A., and was in several fights and many skirmishes. He was discharged at Pine Bluff, Ark., and went to Illinois, but spent the winter of 1865-66 in Texas, coming in the summer of the latter year to Cedar County, Mo., where he again engaged in teaching. In 1868 he began merchandising in Stockton, and continued this occupation very successfully until 1884, and has since lived a quiet life, and looked after his real estate, which consists of about a section of land. In 1881 he took a pleasure trip to the Pacific coast, starting from home April 14, and reaching that State July 4, in company with thirteen men. They journeyed slowly, and spent their time in hunting and fishing along the route. Mr. Mace was gone about six months, and spent a very enjoyable time. In 1870 he was married to Miss Martha J. Davis, a daughter of L. B. Davis. She was born in Cedar County, Mo., in 1849, and died in 1877, having borne two children: Cathleen and Claudius E. September 30, 1885, he married his present wife, Nancy Ward, who was born in Johnson County, Mo., in 1851. Mr. Mace is a stanch Republican in politics.
From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 756-757
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