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     Dr. Isaac F. Marquis, whose success as a physician and surgeon has made his name well known throughout Cedar and adjoining counties, was born in Darke County, Ohio, December 22, 1849, and is the son of George W. and Elizabeth (Miller) Marquis.  George W. Marquis was born in Virginia, but when quite small went with his parents of Ohio, where he grew to manhood, and where he was twice married, his second wife being Miss Miller, mother to the subject of this sketch.  In about 1858 George Marquis moved to Cedar County, Mo., where he is now living with his third wife.  He is a successful tiller of the soil.  His father, William Kidd Marquis, was a native of Virginia, and of French extraction.  He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and an early settler of Ohio, where he died about thirty years ago.  Dr. Marquis, the elder of two children, received a fair education in the common schools, and began for himself in 1868, as a farm hand in St. Clair County.  In about 1872 he began practicing medicine, having studied with a cousin, Dr. A. C. Marquis.  He practice with success until 1884-85, and then attended the American Medical College at St. Louis, from which institution he graduated in the same year.  He first commenced practicing at Osceola, was then in Bates County, after that was five years at Roscoe, and since 1890 he has resided on his present farm near Cedar Springs, where he has 200 acres of good land.  He settled on the farm with the intention of retiring from practice, but has found it impossible to do.  He was married, in 1874, to Miss Marila Marquis, a native of Jay County, Ind., and the daughter of Dr. James and Mary Marquis, natives of Virginia.  Her parents lived in Jay County, Ind., but came to Missouri soon after the war, and here the father practiced his profession successfully for some time.   To Dr. Isaac F. Marquis and wife were born four children, one son and two daughters now living.  The Doctor was a Republican in politics until 1876, since which time he has been a Greenbacker and Prohibitionist.  His first presidential vote was cast for Gen. Grant, in 1872.  He is a member of the Good Templars, and is also a member of the Farmers’ Alliance.  Mrs. Marquis is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in good standing.

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 757-758


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