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T. J. McFarland, Sheriff


     Thomas J. McFarland, farmer and stock-dealer, of Box Township, Cedar County, Mo., was born in Benton County, Mo., in 1849, and is one of the wide-awake, thorough-going citizens of that township. He is the son of James and Netitia (Nave) McFarland, and the grandson of Rev. Alexander McFarland, who was born in Kentucky, but who came to Boonville, Mo., at a very early day, and there remained for many years. He then moved to Cass County, where he died before the war. He was a successful minister in the Presbyterian Church, and followed this calling nearly all his life. He was of Scotch-Irish descent. The maternal grandfather, Hardin Nave, who died when Mrs. McFarland was quite young, was an early settler of Missouri. James McFarland was born in Cooper County, Mo., in 1822, and his wife was probably born in Tennessee, but came to Morgan County, Mo., with her parents when quite young. They were married in Benton county in about 1848, lived there for some seven years, and then removed to Cass County, in 1863 to Henry County, and, in 1865, came to Cedar County, where Mrs. McFarland died in 1876. Two years later Mr. McFarland followed her to the grave. Both were members of the Methodist Church for many years, and he was a farmer by occupation. Thomas J. McFarland, the eldest of four sons and four daughters, assisted his father in the arduous duties on the farm, and received a limited education. At the age of fourteen years, Thomas J. McFarland was oblige to support the family, owing to the fact that his father was paralyzed, and he took care of the family until his majority. He removed with his parents to Cedar County, and was married, in 1874 to Miss Mollie Pruet, a native of Knox County, Mo., and the daughter of John C. and Elizabeth Pruet. Mr. and Mrs. McFarland are the parents of four children, three sons and one daughter.  Mr. McFarland rented land for two years, after which he purchased his present farm, which consists of 235 acres. He is one of the leading farmers in the county. He was elected sheriff of Cedar County, Mo., in 1882, was re-elected in 1884, and served four years with credit and satisfaction. He is a Democrat in politics, voting for S. J. Tilden in 1876; is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Clintonville Lodge, No. 482, at El Dorado, and of the Chapter of Stockton; has held all elective offices, and is at present master.  He is also a member of the Odd Fellows, the knights of Pythias, and the Farmers’ Alliance.  He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.  Mrs. McFarland’s father was born in St. Louis County, Mo., in 1831, was married there in 1851, and in 1852 removed to Knox County, where he served in Company I, First Missouri Cavalry, Second Division, Confederate Army, as a courier two years. In 1865 he came to Cedar County, Mo., and is one of the prominent farmers of Box Township. His father, John Pruet, was also a native of St. Louis County, born in 1808, and died in Scotland County in 1874 or 1875, where he had lived since 1849. His father, Samuel Pruet, was a Frenchman, and one of the first settlers of St. Louis, where he died. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Mrs. McFarland’s mother was born in England, and came, with her parents, to St. Louis when about five years of age. Her parents, William and Joanna Atherly, were natives of Devonshire, England. Mr. Atherly died in St. Louis in 1849, of cholera, and Mrs. Atherly died in Cedar County in 1884.

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 755-756


Death of T. J. McFarland.

     Thomas J. McFarland, an early resident of El Dorado Springs, who left here over twenty years ago and had since been living at Moundville, Mo., died at his home in that place last Monday evening, his death following a severe attack of influenza. Mr. McFarland was born February 14, 1849, and was 76 years, 1 month and 20 days old.

     Deceased was united in marriage to Miss Mary Pruet of this vicinity about fifty-one years ago and she, with five children, three sons and two daughters, live to mourn his departure. The children are, Mrs. Lulu Snyder of Muskogee, Okla., Clem McFarland of Washington, D. C., William McFarland of Hanford, Calif., Clarence McFarland of Tulsa, Okla., and Mrs. Mable Shanholtzer of Montana. All his children were at his bedside during his illness and all attended the funeral with the exception of Will and Mrs. Shanholtzer. He is also survived by twenty-one grandchildren and two great grandchildren and by two brothers, John McFarland of Liberal, Mo., and James McFarland of St. Louis.

     In the early days of this city and vicinity, Mr. McFarland was one of our best known and most influential citizens and he served Cedar County one term as sheriff. Notwithstanding that he has been away from here many years, he has visited here numerous times since leaving, and still had many warm friends here who are grieved to know of his passing.

     Funeral services were held in the M. E. Church, South, at Moundville, of which organization deceased had long been a member, yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, after which the remains, accompanied by his wife and children, were conveyed to the Clintonville Cemetery, south of town, where interment took place at 2 o'clock p. m. The services at the cemetery were in charge of members of I. O. O. F. Lodge of this place. Deceased was also a member of the Masonic Lodge.

The El Dorado Springs Sun, El Dorado Springs, Missouri; Thursday 9 April 1925 page 1.


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