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     James L. Mitchell, a prominent druggist of Stockton, Mo., was born in Cedar County, in which he now resides, in 1849, being a son of Morris W. Mitchell, whose sketch appears in this work.  James L. received the rudiments of his education in the common schools of the county, and later entered the High School of Stockton, and then spent one year in the State University at Columbia.  From 1872 to 1873 he as engaged in clerking in a drug store in Stockton, and then went to Fannin County, Texas, and was occupied in teaching the young idea for one year, then returned to Missouri, and followed the same occupation for six months, after which he resumed clerking in a drug store.  In 1876 he became a partner with C. H. Mace, and continued for five years, the firm name being Mace & Mitchell, and then Mr. Mace sold his interest to R. A. Brown.  In 1886 Mr. Mitchell became sole proprietor of the stock, and is the oldest druggist in Stockton.  He is a Democrat, and has always taken a deep interest in politics, and has been a member and secretary of the Senatorial Democratic Committee for years.  He is a member of Lodge No. 285, A. F. & A. M., and is a charter member of the K. of P.  In 1876 he was married to Miss Jennie M. Church, a daughter of Jackson and Mary A. Church.  She was born in Stockton, Mo., March 23, 1859, and she and Mr. Mitchell are the parents of two children: Clarence and Myrtle Jane.  Mrs. Mitchell is a member of the Christian Church.

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 759


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