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     W. W. Moore, attorney-at-law and notary public of Jerico Springs, is a native of Kentucky, born on the 5th of July, 1841, being the son of a successful Kentucky farmer—Michael Moore.  The latter’s birth occurred in Floyd County, Ky., April 3, 1815, and he died there on the 3d of April, 1888, being a son of Christopher Moore, who was born in Alleghany County, Penn., and died in Kentucky in 1860, at a very advanced age.  His wife was a Kentuckian, who died in 1859.  Diana (Enex) Moore, the mother of our immediate subject, was born in Morgan County, Ky., March 3, 1815, and is yet living in her native State.  W. W. Moore is the third of nine children, and until twenty-four years of age resided under the paternal roof.  On the 22d of February, 1866, he was united in marriage to Miss Sophia McDonald, who was born in Fayette County, Ohio, June 14, 1846, a daughter of Stephen and Priscilla McDonald, who lived and died in the “Buckeye State,” and by her became the father of seven children, five of whom are living at the present time: Binaro O., Levi V., John C. B., Angelia D. and Thomas F. A.  In 1883 Mr. Moore and family moved to Barton County, Tenn., where he resided three years, and then moved to Jerico Springs, where he is now living.  He began the study of law in 1874, and September 21, 1876, was admitted to the bar at Vanceburg, Ky., and practiced there in the criminal courts, being admitted to practice in the civil courts in November, 1881.  Having received a good education in his boyhood, he became a successful teacher, which occupation he followed from 1869 to 1879, with the exception of the time spent in the army.  In 1861 he enlisted in Company F, Second Regiment of Virginia Infantry, C. S. A., and served as lieutenant-colonel all through the war, being a participant in many battles in Pennsylvania and Virginia, and being wounded five times.  He held the office of justice of the peace while in Kentucky, and is holding the same office where he now is.  He is a Democrat politically, and his first presidential vote was cast for George B. McClellan.  He is a Mason, and is a consistent member of the Christian Church, his wife being a member of the Baptist Church.  Nicholas Moore, the great-grandfather, was born in Ireland, and previous to the Revolution came to the United States, and served in the Continental army for five years.  He died about 1848, Nicholas County, Ky., being named in his honor.

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 761


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