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     William E. Nance, collector of Cedar County, Mo., was born in Trigg County, Ky., in 1849, his parents being Barton G. and Lavica S. (Harrison) Nance, who were born in Davidson County, Tenn., and Owen County, Ky., in 1822 and 1820, and died in Cedar County, Mo., May 15, 1888, and April 29, 1875, respectively.  The father went to Trigg County, Ky., in 1844, was married there in 1847, and in 1851 came to Cedar County, Mo., and located four miles east of Stockton, where he reared the following family: Sarah E., wife of J. F. Hopkins; William E.; Margaret M. C., wife of E. M. Morton; and John G., residing on the old homestead.  The maternal grandparents, Jeremiah and Sallie (Hearn) Harrison, were natives of Henry County, Va., and Woodford County, Ky.  William E. Nance was only two years old when his parents came to Cedar County, and here he grew to manhood on a farm, making his home with his parents until his thirty-first year.  In December, 1880, he married Miss Dora Hornbuckle, of Bates County, Mo., who was born in St. Clair County, Mo., in 1862, and by her has two children: Walter E. and Emmet W.  In 1874 Mr. Nance engaged in school teaching, and for about ten years followed that occupation during the winter seasons, and farmed during the summer months.  In November, 1888, he was elected county collector by the Democratic party, by a majority of 59 votes.  He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 762


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