Judge Newton S. Noffsinger, one of Cedar County’s leading farmers and stock-raisers, is a native of Botetourt County, Va., born in 1844, a son of John and Elizabeth (Trout) Noffsinger, the former of whom was also born in Botetourt County, his birth occurring in 1803. He was married in Roanoke County (the mother’s birthplace), November 5, 1822, and in 1856 moved with his family to Cedar County, Mo., where he died July 5, 1860, having been a zealous member of the Lutheran Church from 1842. His wife also died here in 1870, having borne a family of eight children, four now living. Newton S. Noffsinger is the seventh of the family, and acquired a fair education in the common schools of Virginia and Missouri. In 1863 he enlisted in the Confederate army, and after serving two months was disabled and returned home, removing soon after to Northwest Missouri, where he resided until the close of the war, and then returned to Cedar County. In 1867 he married Miss Ann Dunnegan, who was born in Polk County, Mo., September 7, 1846, and to them was born a family of seven children, six now living: John F., Susan E., Lewis B. (deceased), Sarah E., Matthew N., William C. and Clyde. Mr. Noffsinger came with his parents to Cedar County, Mo., in 1856, and with the exception of a few years has resided here ever since. He owns 890 acres of land, and gives considerable attention to the propagation of good stock. In 1880 he was elected by the Democratic party as county judge, and performed his duties very faithfully for two years, being an obliging and efficient officer. He is a Royal Arch Mason, belongs to Stockton Lodge No. 70, and his and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Noffsinger’s parents, Francis and Nancy Dunnegan, were born in North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, and both died in Cedar County, Mo.
From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 762-763
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