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John Wesley Peck, his wife Mary Jane and their children, settled in Linn Township of Cedar County Missouri before 1880.


John W Peck was born in Rush County, Indiana, on 20 March 1825, to parents Jacob Peck and Matilda Knight. In 1853, John married Mary Jane Lewis (b. 22 July 1832, daughter of Absalom Vinyard Lewis and Dorthena Williamson) and served in the Civil War before residing in Missouri.


John Wesley Peck died on Oct. 13, 1912, at the age of 87, in the township of Linn. His wife Mary Jane (Lewis) Peck, died 23 Dec 1915, at age 83. Both are buried at the Stockton Cemetery in Cedar County Missouri.


The nine children of John and Mary Peck:

·         Ariadana “Bell” Peck, married Dr. John W Wheeler

·         Catherine E Peck, married William A Ackason

·         Sarah/Sadie D Peck, never married

·         Mary E Peck, married Milo A Nelson

·         Mattie A Peck, married Clement Hall, Esq.

·         James "Harve" Peck, married Mary Rodela Osborn

·         Elizabeth “May” Peck, married Walker A White

·         Eva Peck, married Jim Grave

·         Frank H Peck, married Lola Juanita Chapman


Dr. John W Wheeler (1844 - 24 Sept 1888, St Clair, MO), husband of Ariadana “Bell” Peck, came to Missouri about 1868, practicing medicine in Bates County, then relocating to Johnson City where he opened a pharmacy and in 1870, also became postmaster. Unfortunately, in 1873, John W Wheeler, postmaster at Johnson City, St Clair County, was charged with tempering with letters.


William A Ackason (b. 1844), husband of Catharine E Peck, and son of Jacob Hamilton Ackason, arrived in Cedar County Missouri, Linn Township, with his father and siblings by 1860. After the death of Catherine in 1890, he married Frances Victoria Cox. William died 11 June 1898 and is buried at the Stockton Cemetery in Cedar County.


Clement Hall (1857-1946), husband of Mattie A Peck. Clement Hall, Attorney, and his brother Harwood Hall, were living in Stockton, Cedar County by 1880. On 22 Dec 1887, Clement and Mattie were married in Stockton.

     Clement and Harwood’s parents, Morris Hall and Rebekah Barnes Hall of Salem, New Jersey, removed to Carthage Missouri, sometime before 1900, along with their daughters, Mary Jane, Sarah/Sallie and Elizabeth.


Mary Jane Hall (1852 - 8 July 1940 Vernon, MO). Mary Jane was committed to and remained a patient for 39 years, till her death, at the State Mental Hospital in Vernon County [http://lyndonirwin.com/asylum.htm].


Sarah/Sallie Hall (1861 - 1 Jan 1940 Jasper, MO), married John Sterling Harris. Their daughter, Rebekah Hall Harris, married Clay Cowgill Blair, Sr., Chairman of the Joplin Globe Publishing Company.


Dr. Elizabeth Lawson Hall (1868 – 1949 Carthage, Jasper, MO), married Cassius M Ketcham. Elizabeth was a graduate of The Women's Medical College of Pennsylvania, founded in 1850; the first school established to educate women in medicine and earn a degree as a M.D. Dr. Hall, spent her internship at the West Philadelphia Hospital for Women, founded in 1861 by a group of Quaker women.


James Harvey “Harve” Peck (1866 – 1948 Cass, MO), married Mary Rodela Osborn. Harve lived most of his life as a farmer in Linn of Cedar County. Harve and Mary had four children: Glennie Mae, Zeffie Dean, Joseph Allen and Elsie Lee Peck.


Elizabeth “May” Peck (1868 – 1891), married Walker A White, and they had a son Paul, born 5 May 1891 in Red Cliff, Eagle, CO. About two weeks after the birth, May died, and Paul was raised by his aunt Mary E Peck and her husband Milo A Nelson, assuming the name, Paul Arthur Nelson.


Jennifer J Thornton (12/2024)

email: indepth260@gmail.com

blog: thorntonroots.com


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