Edward C. Peters was born on the 11th of August, 1833, in Botetourt County, Va., and is a son of Jacob and Barbara (Moomaw) Peters, the former born in the same house as his son July 4, 1810. He is yet living in his native county, and for about thirty years was a member of the county court. His wife was also born in Botetourt County October 7, 1805, and died in 1869. Abram Peters, the grandfather, was born near Hagerstown, Md., and in 1817, while engaged in clearing new land, was accidentally killed. His wife lived to be over 100 years of age. Edward C. Peters is the eldest of ten children, and made his home with his parents until he was twenty-two years of age, then began working on a farm by the month as overseer of a gang of slaves, continuing one year, and then started to seek his fortune in the far West. He came as far as Cedar County, Mo., where he purchased land, but at the end of two years returned to Virginia, and was married there to Miss Mary Henderson, who was born in Montgomery County, Va., in 1835, being a daughter of William and Elizabeth Henderson. Their union resulted in the birth of six children, the following being alive: Mary Z., wife of Samuel B. Webb; William A., Anna L., and Nora V. In 1867 Mr. Peters returned to his home in Missouri, and by hard work and good management has become the owner of 453 acres of land, which comprises some of the best land in the county. He owned the first steam engine ever brought to Cedar County, and also the first steam saw-mill. He belongs to the Masonic lodge of Stockton. He is a Democrat in politics, and during his residence in Cedar County has been clerk and treasurer of his school township three years, deputy sheriff two years, and served as county clerk four years, to which office he was elected in 1874. During the war he served in the C. S. A. from March 1, 1862, to April 9, 1865, in Hardiway’s Battery of Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia. He and wife belong to the Old School Presbyterian Church.
From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 763-764
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