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   Stockton Journal: Drury Petty was born in the State of South Carolina, July 14th, 1779, and died in Benton township, this county, on the 31 day of March, 1880 --one hundred years, seven months. and nineteen days old. Mr. Petty for the last fifteen years has been a citizen of Cedar county, residing with his son-in-law, Judge Isham Brasher. He came to this county from Kentucky, and we understand has been at different times a resident of thirteen States. Grandfather Petty, as he was familiarly and lovingly called by all who knew him, was a man of marked character, strong in his convictions, and resolute in the right; yet he was kind and generous and loving to all. He lived an honorable and upright life. Did unto others as he would have others to do to him. Wronged no man. Voted for nineteen Democratic candidates for President, and died in full confidence of a glorious resurrection. He never lost faith in his God, his country, or his party.

Springfield Weekly Patriot, Springfield, Missouri; Thursday 1 April 1880, page 3


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