Jerico Springs News
William Harvey PITTMAN, son of John and Elizabeth Pittman was born in
Macoupin, Illinois, Nov. 17, 1858, and passed away at the home of his grand
daughter, Mrs. Harley Litsey near Jerico Springs at 12:30pm Thursday, Mary
31, 1951. He was 92 years, 6 months and 14 days old
When he was 12 years old his parents came to Cedar County Missouri and
lived on a farm near Filley.
On Christmas Day 1878 he was married to Felicia Jane Hamby who passed
away in 1937.
Pittman united with the Christian Church when he was a young man. He with
his good wife established and maintained a Christian home, near Filly and
reared their large family there. The ten children born to this union are:
Henry, who passed away in France during WWI and now sleeps in Arlington
Cemetery. Other deceased children are, Mary Boyer, Dora Hunter, and Emma
Carter. The 6 living children are: Leota Sharp, Wichita, Kansas, Della
McCert (Cort) Wellington, Kansas, Jim Pittman, Carthage, Mo, Ezekiel
Pittman, Meridian, Idaho, Agnes Zellmen, Enterprise, Oregon and Martha
Smith, Boise, Idaho. There are 47 grandchildren, 62 great grandchildren and
11 great great grandchildren. Living sisters are Mary Fesmire of Snider,
Texas, Ida Oatman, Brookline, Missouri and Rose Cross, Carey, Idaho.
Mr. Pittman's last years were spent in or near Jerico Springs. He had
been an invalid a long time and for about 4 years lived in the Frank
Bannister home. When his condition grew worse, he was taken to the home of
his grand daughter where for 11 months Mr. and Mrs. Litsey lovingly and
tenderly cared for him.
After 92 years of work, joys and sorrows, rest and peace has come to one
who had lived a full life and a wonderful life among so many loved ones and
Funeral services for Mr. Pittman were conducted by Bro. Jones at the
Jerico Springs Christian Church at 2:30 Sunday. A choir with Bernice
Beckley at the piano sang "In The Garden", "The Old Rugged Cross", and "No
Night There". Flower girls were members of the SS Class and Casket bearers
were members of Independence SS and Neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Litsey. His
body was laid to rest in the Hall Cemetery.
Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri; 7 June 1951
Mrs. Will Pittman passed away at her home in Jerico Springs, Saturday morning. 2 daughters attended the funeral from Wellington, Kansas. Mrs. Robert Hunter, a daughter who lived near Sheldon, was with her mother when she passed away. Mrs. B. L. Smith of Idaho arrived in Jerico Monday pm, too late for the funeral. Mrs. Smith will stay with her father awhile. The family has the sympathy of the community.
Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 19 August 1937
Felicia Jane Hamby, daughter of Mary and Ezekiel Hamby was born near Filley,
September 9, 1861, and passed away August 14, 1937, at the age of 75 years,
11 months and 5 days.
She was married to W. H. Pittman December 25, 1878.
This good woman lived in Cedar County practically all of her life,
and for more that 58 years, she with here husband made a Christian home for
a large family. The 10 children born to this union are: Henry, who passed
away in France during the World War, and now sleeps in Arlington Cemetery;
Mary Boyer, deceased; Dora Hunter, who lives near Belamy; Leota Riege,
Wellington, Kansas; Della McCort, Wellington, Kansas; Emma Carter, deceased;
Jim of Jerico Springs; Ezekiel, Enterprise, Oregon; Agnes Zollman,
Enterprise, Oregon; and Martha Smith, Meridian, Idaho.
Besides these children, she leaves 2 sisters, 1 brother, 45 living
grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren,
She and Mr. Pitman lived near Filley for a long time and reared their
family there, then they moved to a farm 3 miles north of Jerico and lived
there until 2 years ago when they moved into town. Mrs. Pitman has been an
invalid since last November and at times she has suffered a great deal. She
united with the Christian Church when she was about 17 years old, and for
almost 60 years she has lived a good Christian life. She realized here time
was near and told her loved ones that she was ready and willing to go to
receive the crown of life promised to his faithful ones.
Funeral Services were conducted by Bro. Clawson Sunday afternoon at the
home, and the body was laid to rest at the Hall Cemetery.
A precious one has gone, a chair is vacant. Rest on Mother, we will soon
meet again
Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 19 August 1937 page 8
Submitted by Warren & Betty Lawrence
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