William Preston Pension File Abstract
Abstract of the pension files
for William C. Preston and Maranda Caroline Preston nee Horn. Maranda is the
daughter of Dr. Samuel Horn. [Act of June 27, 1890.] Declaration for Invalid
State of Missouri, County of Cedar
On this 28th Day of July 1894
William C. Preston aged 60 years and a resident of Cedar Co., Missouri
declares he is the identical person who was enrolled on 01 June 1863 in Co.
M, 5th Reg. Provisional Missouri Militia in the War of the Rebellion, served
at least 90 days and was honorably discharged at Howards Mills Missouri 27
November 1863.
States he is unable to earn support by reason of Rheumatism, Piles and
general disability. He was not in the military of naval service of the US
subsequent to 27 November 1863.
Appoints Enoch M. Burns of El Dorado Springs, MO as his true and lawful
His post office address is Caplingers Mills, Cedar County, Missouri.
* Signed:
William C. Preston
U.S Pension Agency, Topeka Kanasas
30 March 1898
William C. Preston who was a pensioner on the rolls of this agency, under
certificate 891 116 and who was last paid $12 to Aug 4, 1897 has been
dropped because of his death on 10 October 1897
Act of April 19, 1908
Declaration for Widow's Pension
State of Missouri
County of Howell
On 5 May 1908 appeared Maranda C. Preston aged 66 a resident of Willow
Springs, Howell Co., Missouri makes the following declaration to obtain
She is the widow of William C. Preston who enrolled at Oseola Missouri as a
Private in Co. M 5th Regiment Provisional Enrolled Missouri Militia.
She was married under the name of Maranda C. Horn to said soldier at St.
Clair County, Missouri on 22 February 1869 by Ashworth. She had not been
previously married and soldier had not been previously married.
Soldier died 10 October 1897 at Cedar Co. Missouri
Her post office address is Willow Springs, Howell Co., Missouri
Maranda C. Preston
L.T. Preston
Lina Dawes
Pensioner Dropped
Department of the Interior
United States Pension Agency
7 April 1911
Certificate 660084
Class Widow
Pensioner Maranda C. Preston
Soldier William C.
Above named pensioner has been dropped because of ????? 9 Jan 1911 Willow
Springs Missouri
Abstractors Note: The cause of Maranda being dropped is most likely death,
however it is unreadable on the document. My research shows that she died 11
Jan 1911 which date was found in Cemetery Records For Cedar County Missouri
Volume II.
Submitted by: LaMont Bankson Email: lbankson at cox.net
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