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     Capt. James W. Prowell, farmer and stock-feeder of Box Township, was born in Adair County, Ky., March 15, 1827, and is the son of James and Margaret (Fletcher) Prowell, the former a native of North Carolina, born February 22, 1775, and the latter born in Greenbrier County, Va.  They were married in Kentucky, about 1811, and there Mrs. Prowell spent the remainder of her life, dying in 1848.  Mr. Prowell came to Boone County, Mo., in 1851, and died there the following year.  He and wife were members of the Baptist Church for many years.  Mr. Prowell was a blacksmith in early life, but later followed tilling the soil, and was the owner of a number of slaves.  William Prowell, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born and reared in Philadelphia, Penn., and was of Irish descent.  He was a gunsmith by trade, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and was killed in Kentucky by a falling tree.  Robert Fletcher, the maternal grandfather of Capt. Prowell, and a brother-in-law of Col. Casey, one of Kentucky’s favorite sons, was born in Virginia, and was an early settler of Kentucky, where he passed his last days.  Capt. James W. Prowell, the eighth of four sons and seven daughters was reared to farm life, and received but a limited education.  When but twenty years of age he joined Company C, third Kentucky U. S. Dragoons, and served until the close of the Mexican War.  He was in the fights around the City of Mexico.  In 1851 he came with his father to Missouri; settled in Cedar County two years later, and was there married to Miss Bethsheba Dawson, August 25, 1856.  Mrs. Prowell was born in Boone County, Mo., and is the daughter of John W. and Malinda Dawson.  To Mr. and Mrs. Prowell were born nine children, three sons and three daughters now living; Sarah M., wife of T. W. Morton; Dr. John D., a physician in Pettis County; Jennie, Charles E., James William and Fannie M.  Since his marriage Mr. Prowell has lived on his present farm, and is one of the pioneers of Cedar County.  He has 480 acres of good farming land, all the result of his own efforts, and principally acquired since the war.  In 1861 he commanded Company C, of Walker’s Regiment of Missouri Confederate troops, for about six months, and was in the battle of Wilson’s Creek, Drywood and Lexington.  He was afterward captured at home, but was soon paroled.  In politics he has been a life-long Democrat, voting for Gen. Cass in 1848.  He has been a member of the Masonic Fraternity for twenty-two years, belonging to Stockton Lodge, and is a Master Mason. He has been an active worker for the cause of education, and all other worthy enterprises, and has spared no pains for the education of his children.  His eldest son, the Doctor, took a thorough course at the State University, and is a graduate of Missouri Medical College.  Mrs. Prowell is a member of the Christian Church

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 770-771


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