J. F. Rutledge, Treasurer
John F. Rutledge
Joha F. Rutledge was born near Stockton, April 7th 1839 and died at his home a few miles south of town on Sunday. March 26tb, 1905, aged nearly 65 years.
On October 10th, 1869 be married Amanda A. Ballenger and to this union five children were born one of whom died in childhood, those living are Arthur, Mrs. Eva Willett, Mrs. Alice Hartley and Miss Lula.
Mr. Rutledge was one of our quiet honest, upright and Christian men who number their friends by the score.
In 1882 be was elected treasurer of Cedar county for one term. For many years be was the landlord of the Tennessee House and will be remembered by his many guests as a very pleasant and painstaking host. He was a member of the M. E. Church South and of the Stockton Masonic lodge.
The deceased had been in poor health a long time but dangerously ill only a few days. His widow and the children have she sincere sympathy of their many friends in their bereavement.
Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 30 March 1905 page 2.
Obituary .
Amanda A. Ballenger, Rutledge was born at Chillicothe, Mo., Dec. 30, 1848, age 68 years, 9 month and 7 days, died March 7, 1917 was married to John F. Rutledge Oct. 10, 1864, to this union were born 5 children, Arthur, Alice, Eva, Nellie and Lula.
Nellie and Alice preceded their mother to the other world, also the husband departed this life 12 years ago.
Grandma Rutledge was converted and joined Oak Forest M. E. church south about 1868.
She leaves a number of relatives and a host of friends. She was a good mother and a fine neighbor.
The funeral was conducted by Rev. Jas. McFarland at Gum Springs church. The remains were laid in the Gum Springs cemetery.
The Stockton Journal, Stockton, Missouri; Thursday 22 March 1917 page 1.
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