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     Riley Sherrill, a prominent and successful pioneer farmer of Cedar County, Mo., residing near Stockton, Was born in Carroll County, Tenn., on the 5th of February, 1823, and is a son of Ambrose and Peggy (Hopkins) Sherrill, who were born in the “Old North State” in October, 1780, and 1789, and died in Cedar County, Mo., in September, 1844, and March 1845, respectively.  The father was a farmer throughout life, and when a young man moved to Wilson County, Tenn., afterward to Carroll County, and in 1841 took up his abode in Cedar County, Mo., where he spent the rest of his days.  His father, Jacob Sherrill, was of English birth, a native of North Carolina, and at an early day removed to Wilson County, Tenn., where he died.  James Hopkins, the maternal grandfather, was of Scotch-Irish descent, and one of the first settlers of Polk County, Mo.  He was a man of more than ordinary intelligence, and was quite wealthy, owning at one time a large number of negroes.  He died at an advanced age.  Riley Sherrill was the seventh of twelve children, three of whom are living at the present time, and made his home with his parents on the farm until their respective deaths.  On the 12th of June, 1845, his marriage with Miss Susan Davidson was consummated.  She was born in Wilson County, Tenn., and she and Mr. Sherrill became the parents of the following family: Ephraim, who died in 1870, at the age of twenty-four years, leaving, besides his wife, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Willett, two children, Riley and Thomas; James, who died in 1848, at the age of six months; William B., who was born in 1852, and married Miss Ida Love, by whom he has one child, Jennie; and Tennessee, who was born in 1857, and is the wife of John Henderson, by whom she has three children, Virgil, Edward and Helena.  In 1841 Riley Sherrill left his native county and State, and came to Cedar County, Mo., and lived with his parents until 1849, when he moved to Stockton, and engaged in the grocery business.  In 1857 he and John E. Hartley became partners in a general merchandise establishment, the firm being Sherrill, Hartley & Co., for two years.  During the war Mr. Sherrill merely looked after his money matters, and after the war began speculating in lands, stocks and paper, and met with flattering success.  In 1871 he moved to the farm where he now resides, and the following year located in Fort Scott, Kan., where he resided two years, then returned to his farm, where he has since made his home.  He commenced life for himself a poor man, but by good management he has added to his income, year after year, until he is now one of the wealthiest men of Cedar County, and owned land to nearly the amount of 1,500 acres.  At present he owns 480 acres, which is well improved with fine buildings.  He is a Republican in politics, but is very conservative.  He does not belong to any church, and is an agnostic in belief.

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 773-774


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