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     William B. Sherrill was born in the county in which he now resides, May 13, 1852, and since twenty-five years of age has been engaged in tilling the soil on his own responsibility, being now the owner of a good farm of 200 acres, about seventy-five of which are under cultivation, and located on the Little Sac River.  He is industrious, energetic and honest, and in point of wealth bids fair to rank among the prosperous farmers of the county.  He was the second of four children, and on the 17th of September, 1882, was married to Miss Ida, a daughter of William and Georgia Ann Love, who were born in 1839 and 1849, the former in Callaway County, Mo.  They are now engaged in farming in Cedar County.  Mrs. Sherrill is the eldest of their ten children, and was born in Cedar County, Mo., in 1865.  she and Mr. Sherrill have one daughter, Eugenie.  He is a strong Republican, and cast his first vote for Hayes for the presidency.  He is a member of the I. O. O. F.

From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 774-775


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