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William Wells, Merchant


House built by William Wells in Cedar County, Missouri


The 1860 Linn Township, Cedar County, Missouri Federal Census shows that 36-year-old Williams Wells was a merchant with the value of his real estate being $1,500 and his personal estate $16,260.  He was born in New York, and his wife Virginia E. Wells, 31 years old, was born in Tennessee. Their four children, three daughters and one son, were born in Missouri: Ada I., 11 yrs old; Alas [Alice] J., 7 yrs old; Thomas A., 5 yrs old, and Emma A., 6 months old.

    On 6 June 1866 Addie J. Wells married Alonzo P. Snell who was born in Ohio.  Alonzo was a farmer in 1870 living in Washington Township in Cedar County, and his real estate was valued at $5,000 and his personal estate was $1,800.  There was a 1-year-old daughter, Cora V. Two years later Alonzo Snell had died and is buried in the Stockton Cemetery.  Ada and her daughter Cora are then living with her mother in Stockton, and Ada is a milliner. 

     Alice J. Wells married William P. Connaway on 2 April 1879 in Cedar County.  In 1880 Alice and William are living in Independence, Oregon, where William is a clerk in a store. By 1900 William is working as a bank cashier, and Alice's mother Virginia moves between 1900 and 1910 to live with them in Vancouver, Washington.  Alice died in 1936 in Oregon.

     Thomas A. Wells is working as a store clerk in Nevada, Missouri by 1880. The 1900 census shows that Thomas is a broker in Los Angeles, California. He died 13 Jun 1907 and is buried in Los Angeles.

     William and Virginia's youngest child, Emma, married Thomas Loy 12 December 1880 in Cedar County. Thomas was a lawyer in Springfield, Missouri by 1900. They also moved west to Los Angeles where Thomas Loy died in 1911. Emma died in Washington, DC, at the home of her only living child in 1935. Both she and Thomas Loy are buried in Springfield, Missouri.



     Mrs. Virginia E. Wells died this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. P. Connaway, 1014 Franklin street, at the age of 87 years. She came to Vancouver from Independence, Oregon, in 1902, and has lived with her daughter ever since. She was well known to local folks both young and old.

     Mrs. Wells was born in McMinville, Tenn., in 1829, and went to Independence in 1882. She has been a widow ever since the Civil War. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Connaway and Mrs. Emma A. Loy of Los Angeles, besides three grand daughters, Miss Lillian Connaway, of Vancouver; Miss Cornell Snell of New York City, and Mrs. J. H. Stewart of Los Angeles. The time of the funeral has not yet been set. The body will be taken to Independence, Ore., for burial.

Vancouver Daily Columbian, Vancouver, Washington; Wednesday 4 October 1916 page 1.


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