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 Died at her home 10 miles west of Stockton, Aug. 7, 1899, Sadie WILLIAMS, wife of E. L. WILLIAMS. She was born April 14th, 1867, aged 32 years. The deceased leaves a heart broken husband and two children, a mother, four sisters and a brother to mourn the loss of a loving wife, a kind mother, daughter and sister. She was called suddenly and unexpected away from the bosom of those who loved her best. Her death has cast upon her family a shadow which hides from them all happiness. We think how can it be of all the charms their dear one possessed, all is gone; hid beneath the coffin lid. If we could speak for the lonely husband to-night it would be: How lonesome my table is to me. How empty the place where she sat: What lonesome devotion I pay Where once we so sweetly did meet. The remains were laid to rest in the Pankey graveyard in the presence of a large crowd of sad relatives and friends. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. M. A. CHAMBERS

Cedar County Republican, Stockton, Missouri.

Transcribed by Kay Snow.


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