Dr. Madison B. Wooldridge, physician and surgeon, of Paynterville, Mo., was born in Christian County, Ky., on the 22d of December , 1832, and is a son of Edward and Margaret (Brasher) Wooldridge, natives respectively of Virginia and Tennessee. The father was of Irish descent, a farmer by occupation, and died in the State of Kentucky when his son, Madison B., was an infant. His wife was born in 1798, and died in 1886, having borne a family of seven children, three of whom survive. Madison B. Wooldridge made his home with his mother until twenty-three years of age, and received his education in the common schools of Kentucky. He then commenced the study of medicine under Dr. J. P. Bailey, in Christian County, and, after remaining with him about three years, entered the Medical College at Nashville, Tenn., from which he graduated March 2, 1857. He at once entered upon the practice of his profession in Kentucky, but the following year located in Cedar County, Mo., where he has since resided. He has become well known throughout the county as one of its able physicians, and his practice extends over a large area. In 1864 he enlisted in Company A, Fifteenth Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, and after serving eleven months, received his discharge and returned to Cedar County, where he married, in 1865, Miss Ann E. Morgan, a native of Tennessee, born in 1845, and a daughter of John and Sarah Morgan. The former died in 1868, but the latter is living. Edward W., Clara M., Lulu M. (deceased), Carrie Lee, John F. and Madison B. are the children born to Dr. Wooldridge. The Doctor has been a resident of Paynterville since 1880, where he has a one-acre lot, and besides this owns 116 acres of land near the village. He is a Mason, and in 1888 was elected to the office of county coroner by the Democrats, but has never qualified.
From the History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri, 1889, p. 790
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